christopher and i 're-met' almost 3 years ago here in boston. we'd both been living separate lives before then, and had not seen or thought of one another probably in all of those years after college and in between , until our paths crossed again one spring evening over cocktails. and i'll give credit where credit is our dogs. we showed one another countless cell phone images of our dogs that night and decided we'd hang out again soon with our fur-babies... and the rest is sort of history...

surprisingly, it's hard for me to sit here and write about him. i could say all the cheesy things i'm tempted to say as his girlfriend, 'he's my best friend', 'i've never loved someone as much as i loved him', 'we're so happy together', blah, blah, blah...but the truth is, he's the first person/relationship that's every challenged me...and i don't mean that in a bad way. christopher doesn't let me get away with shit, he calls me out on it and makes me accountable for my words and my actions. normally that would drive me crazy, and sometimes it does, but in a weird way it teaches me to be a better person. don't get me wrong, sometimes i wish he would be empathetic and tell me what i want to hear, but that's just not how he operates. he's incredibly smart, well spoken, witty and charming... all that combined with his good looks is a lethal combo! oh, and he's one hell of a hockey player too...i sort of have a thing for hockey players & hockey hair!
speaking of hockey...he was kind of a big deal hockey player back in the day. and even now he still plays in an old man league and coaches younger kids. growing up with my dad who is OBSESSED with sports, it was only natural that i'd be drawn to an athlete! but i'll have to admit, watching him coach is almost as pleasurable as watching him play. he loves children, and they love him.
another thing i admire about him is his loyalty, fierce protection, and love of his parents and of his upbringing. he'll deny it, but he is sentimental, especially when it comes to his family. and as someone who has had the great pleasure of being a part of many of their gatherings & festivities, it's a wonderful, lively & large family to be a part of. i cannot express how much love & support his family, and parents in particular, have given him and us together. because my family is so important to me, aunts, uncles, cousins and all, it's comforting to be around his so much too. and did you know he lives in the same house that his mother and all her siblings grew up in? how awesome is that? yup, it's in the town where both his mother AND father grew up, and many of his aunts, uncles & cousins still live in that about childhood memories galore.
the best part of christopher is that you can put him in any situation and he adapts. he can dress to the nines and hob-nob over fine wines & a good steak, but he's just as comfortable in a pair of jeans and boots hiking around the hills of vermont. it's that sense of ease that makes him remarkable in my eyes. and while he's certainly had to learn a few lessons the hard way, it's what's he's managed to take away from those lessons and grow as a person that makes me love him deeper than any man i've loved before. and i am very proud of him.
before i met christopher i was doing pretty good on my own...but now, i couldn't imagine my life without him. we've had our ups and downs, like any couple, but we're still building that foundation in our relationship together. so yes, he is my best friend, i've never loved anyone as much as i love him, and i'm looking forward to finding out how the rest of our story goes...

Home town? Born in Colorado Springs...raised in Melrose MA... reside in Winthrop MA
Where did you go to college and what was your major? Hobart College: English, World History, Ice Hockey, Sigma Phi, Sideshow
Current job? Sales for two different companies in very different industries, Hockey coach
Dream job? Golf Pro - Poker Player combo
What website(s) do you check daily?, New York times, Google news feed, whatever's not blocked at work...the usual guy sports stuff, various blogs, Old Dirty Needle articles
Best piece of advice you were ever given and by whom? Tough one here - 'Don't eat yellow snow' - anonymous.
One word your friends would use to describe you? Confident
What has been your greatest accomplishment? Bouncing back repeatedly
What is your least favorite thing about yourself? Complacency
What is the first thing you notice about other people? Energy/Vibe
Outfit you feel the best in? Hockey Skates/Golf Gear/Bathing Suit/Flip Flops/Snow Gear - in that order
Beauty product you can’t live without? Hot Water
Is it easier to forgive or forget? Forgive
Biggest pet peeve? When my cat licks the silverware in the sink or eats Maple food before she is done eating it
If you were a crayon what color would you be? Burnt Sienna
If a Hollywood movie was made about your life what actor/actress would play you? Casey Affleck
What book are you currently reading? A Drink Before the War - Dennis Lehane
If you could live anywhere in the world for one year where would you live? Central/Northern Italy
Who has played the most influential role in your life? Andrew Patrick Connolly III
Favorite Quote? "Make it simple, but significant" Don Draper
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