Monday, February 7, 2011

slow down...

i was hoping after hank's neuter last week he'd be a little more chilled out, no such luck. he cracked his 'elizabethan collar', on purpose, the minute we walked through the door, so i got him a soft collar from fish + bone, a pink one too (cause i'm mean like that)...

i'm also thinking about getting him these food & water bowls to slow down his compulsive speedy eating/drinking habits. you'd think it was the end of the world the way this dog chows...


  1. Strider and Sage are the same way - especially Strider. We haven't resorted to the bowls yet but I've heard they are good - another option is to put lacrosse balls into the bowl. Good luck!

  2. Our Nellie is a vacuum as well...
    We have fed her her 2 meals a day in this: since she was a pup... it is INSANE how skilled she has become with it, but it slows her down to about 10 minutes per meal... a HUGE improvement!
    CVS and Target sell this model as well. Worth a try. You might feel cruel at first, but our breeder recommended that she should have to "hunt" or work for most of her food anyway, so... keeps her busy!
