gazpacho is my favorite summertime food, and it's super simple, quick, healthy & cheap to make. i just made it on sunday and have had it for lunch at work everyday this week. here's my off-the-cuff recipe...
ingredients: 6 super ripe tomatoes
1 large cucumber
1 medium red pepper
1/2 small red onion
1/4 jalapeno (optional or heat)
cilantro, as much or as little as you like, but chop it up first
1 12oz. can of V8
2 tbs of garlic salt
juice of one lime
salt & pepper to taste
chop everything up into smaller portions and put in your blender or food processor in batches. blend as chunky or fine as you prefer...i like mine a little less chunky. add garlic salt, s&p & lime juice at the end. chill in fridge over night...serve with a dollop of sour cream & tortilla chips
my best friend turns 30 on the 4th of july, so of course she's always out of town partying it up on her birthday, without me. so her husband decided to throw her a surprise 30th birthday bbq over the weekend, and it was epic...

who has a flag this large just lying around their house? these guys apparently...

her super awesome cake was from lyndell's bakery in somerville. i highly recommend them; they were easy to work with, very friendly, very creative and very delicious...

the best part of her birthday was when our best guy friend from high school, marc, who has been traveling all over the world for over 20 months, whom we haven't seen in over two years, walked up the driveway to surprise all of us! erin's life has changed dramatically since we last saw him; she got married, bought a house, had a baby, and is now turning 30! it was so much fun to have a mini reunion with him that day too...don't mind our dorky pre-prom photo shoot...

emersonmade, oh how i love everything you these adorable little ring pillows...
i was told by my boss today that i HAVE TO get a pair of these for when i go to my job sites...this is really going to cramp my summer style...or it could be totally awesome to rock them with my short shorts & wife beater (my summer uniform)... i'm sure the guys on site will think it's cool...

one halloween, i think during my second year of working here i did dress up as my chosen profession, it was a big hit...notice my fake timbs....

we grew up in one of the greatest areas in new york state. part of westchester county, the katonah-lewisboro area was full of horse farms, lakes, forests, and mountains and nature preserves, but all still within 45 minutes of new york city.
my dad just sent me this local magazine and featured in it was a family from our town and their incredible lake house on lake waccabuc. lake waccabuc is a special spot... my sister had her first camp counseling job there, we (well, not me because i'm afraid of heights) used to jump from castle rock into it's clear waters, and there were many high school parties that were centered around the shoreline there.
this is my dream house, no joke. i'm fascinated by every aspect of it...but mainly how they figured out how to run the plumbing & electrical out 40 feet from the shore line (that's the dorky contractor in me)??? i would never leave my house if this were it, it would be especially hard to get me off that hammock...

ok, this is totally off the subject, but their son, chris bocklet (according to my sportsaholic father who knows everything about every athlete to ever come from our hometown) says chris is the leading scorer at uva...check him out here, he's kind of cute, but too young for me.