i scored some new 'shroom' salt & pepper shakers for my collection...
a couple of galvanized pales that i intend to use as containers for potted flowers. i fell in love with them because of their stickers, one says canandaigua, a near and dear to me place near where i went to college...

a nice little metal star decoration for the front of my house, it's the same purple-ish color the front door is going to be...
and this awesome metal bar cart for the front porch (which needs a good scrubs down and a fresh coat of spray paint in a different color- will do a whole post on that later)...
mom and i are heading to new york/ connecticut this weekend to visit some family and plan on hitting up elephant's trunk country flea market on sunday too, i'll let you know what we find!
Hey! You were right down the street from my house - stop by next time will yah?!