Tuesday, July 28, 2009

bend me, shape me, any way you want me...

so now that i've fallen back into my weekly yoga routine i've decided to not be so half-assed about my practice. before i would move from one pose to the next, not really caring if i mastered the pose or my breathing. now that i'm back into it i've decided to focus on one thing per week, really understand it and execute it correctly, in class and at home. the first 2 weeks i actually spent focusing on my breathing, which believe it or not plays a huge part in my practice (vinyasa), it really brings everything into focus. then i was working to perfect my sun salutations, these 12 poses are an easy way for me to start my practice, getting me into the rhythm. along the way i continue to work on my basic common poses; downward dog, warrior I, II, & III, triangle & revolved triangle, etc. but now i'm focusing on what i consider the harder poses (although some gumbie-girls in my classes make them look like a piece of cake)....

i can do wheel pose (urdhva dhanurasana) but would like to try some advanced variations of it...

others i don't yet have the strength/flexibility/balance for but am looking to master are...

crane pose (bakasana)...

a headstand (sirsasana)...

and the one-legged king pigeon pose (eka pada rajakapotasana)...

i know, i've got a long, hard road ahead of me, but one that i'm willing to spend some time on. i think it's important for me to have goals, keeps me on track and genuinely interested. if you get a chance i highly recommend taking a class with nicoline at back bay yoga, i like her teaching style a lot and think you would too.

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