have you ever had a friend that you were so close to that you often considered them family? well that's erin to me. we are friends from high school, so friends for over 16 years to be exact. in fact, we tried to become legit family once by setting her single mother up with my single dad...we thought we would have the most amazing wardrobe of clothes between us and each of our sisters...but that didn't work out. so she made me her first child's godmother instead, and now we're related (sort of)!
erin's the kind of friend who tells you like it is, doesn't sugar coat the hard stuff, but will support you in any decision that you ultimately make. she's dealt with a lot of crap in her short 30 years on this planet, so she's tough as nails on the outside, but soft and gooey in the middle. she's a super wife, mother, daughter, co-worker and friend...sometimes i don't know how she manages it all. she'll definitely be my private authority on being a wife, mother, house owner, etc since she knows EVERYTHING ABOUT EVERYTHING. seriously, once i thought my dogs eyeball popped out because i couldn't see it in her head and i was about to take her to the animal hospital when erin says 'oh, that's just her inner eyelid'....what? inner eyelid? how come i've never heard of such a thing? wouldn't i look like a total asshole showing up to the ER with my dog if she hadn't told me that? and how the hell DID she know that? see, she knows EVERYTHING.
i don't see her, or my goddaughter, enough. i think that's going to be one of my new years resolutions for 2011. but i am thankful that she married a guy who lived in massachusetts so that they are less than an hour away from me. i probably don't tell erin this enough, but i am proud of her, and hope that someday i am half the woman she is. i love her for all that she does for me; listening to me vent, offering me sound advice, trusting me to love her child as much as she does, making the effort to stay in touch, allowing me to listen to her troubles, and just in general knowing that she will be there no matter what. i'm looking forward to growing into old maids with her, having our children grow up together, and knowing that we will be friends for eternity...hence our matching tatoos on our backs!!! i love you e!
Home town? Waccabuc, NY
Where did you go to college and what was your major?
Plattsburgh State University, Elementary Education
University at Albany, Graduate School, Reading
Current job? Daycare Director, The New England Center for Children
Dream job? Don’t have one. Every job has its’ pros and cons.
What website(s) do you check daily? Facebook
Best piece of advice you were ever given and by whom? Not sure – I give and take advice so often that I forget.
One word your friends would use to describe you? Dependable
What has been your greatest accomplishment? My daughter
What is your least favorite thing about yourself? My ankle
What is the first thing you notice about other people? Friendly or not
Outfit you feel the best in? Jeans and a comfy sweater
Beauty product you can’t live without? Moisturizer
Is it easier to forgive or forget? Forgive
Biggest pet peeve? Cheap people who have money
If you were a crayon what color would you be? Brown
If a Hollywood movie was made about your life what actor/actress would play you? Julia Roberts
What book are you currently reading? Does US Weekly count?
If you could live anywhere in the world for one year where would you live? Australia
Who has played the most influential role in your life? Mother
Favorite Quote? Treat others how you would like to be treated.