Tuesday, January 19, 2010
the big vote today...
the senate campaign between martha coakley (d) and scott brown (r) to replace the late senator kennedy's seat here in massachusetts has been the most heated topic not only in our own state, but across the nation due to how it will effect obama's proposed health care plan vote. i have to admit, i HATE politics. in fact, i NEVER tell people who i vote for in elections just so i can avoid having to talk about it. i wasn't even going to vote today but the boyfriend has been hard on my case about it and sort of convinced me to do it last night (but i'm still not going to tell him who i voted for, sorry sweets). part of the reason i stay out of politics is because there's very rarely a candidate who represents all the issues the way i feel about them...maybe not the best reason but it's enough for me. i also hate how people attack you if you don't necessarily agree with their perspective on things...since when am i not aloud to have an opinion of my own without feeling like i'm being verbally assaulted because we differ? you may or may not agree with me on the things i believe in (a woman's right to choose, being in favor of stem-cell research, affordable health care for all, giving everyone a chance for higher education, protecting our country and those who need help protecting theirs, regulating greedy banks, supporting the arts), but i would never tell you you're wrong for thinking the way you do.
I too desPISE talking politics. That said, I agree with all your check points!