Thursday, May 31, 2012

summer wedding hair style & make-up...

i have a few weddings to attend this summer & fall, think i might try out this diy updo for my hair...

and maybe i'll do this for my make-up...

a marley kind of day...

it's rather ironic that i read this quote today. while visiting my sister and bro-in-law we watched marley: the documentary and then today my day started off listening to a little marley (ziggy though) in the car...this song to be exact...

and then i came across this quote from bob...

custom holiday cards...

i love the idea of having one of these custom cards made of my new house with the dogs in front as custom holiday cards, wouldn't they be adorable? i know, it's not normal to be thinking about holiday cards in may/june....

strawberry banke...

well, apparently i can't stay away from blogging for as long as i had thought...i'm pathetic. but i wanted to share a girls day adventure that my mom and i had over the memorial day weekend. i'm sure to most this would not seem like an adventure at all, but if you are 100% nerd like my mom and i then you would definitely think this was fun.

we ventured up to portsmouth, new hampshire for the day and toured the historic site of strawberry banke. apparently the "stories of fashion" exhibit was happening (which mom had planned on being the master seamstress she is). it was a beautiful day to stroll through the homes & gardens...

Thursday, May 24, 2012

signing off for a little bit...

i'm going to take a small hiatus from blogging... and not just blogging; facebooking, texting, g-chatting, emailing, etc. the last few months have been very difficult ones for me, ones that i don't think i can continue to hide behind with this happy face that i put on for the the rest of the world. i'm going to have some very serious me time to get back to a place of good and happy and love...a place i haven't been in a while. i don't need anyone's empathy or pity or sadness, this is simply something i'm doing for me...and i know you can all understand when we need those moments alone, to clear our heads, and get back to even.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

playing in my head and my heart...

So the floodgates open but nothing comes out
I'm feeling no relief in my head, just doubt
But my heart keeps telling me 'hold your ground
You'll never learn a thing if you bail out now'

And I'm lonely again tonight
I can feel it like a knot in my side
They keep saying this is part of the ride
But I'm not getting stronger

Yet hold me against the light
And do you see any bullet inside?
Wouldn't find one if you magnified
Because you've got the wrong girl

Had my fingers around the back of your chair
You'd never miss a thing but you missed me there
And I just kept thinking 'Am I prepared
To pull it out from under your trusting stare?'

Now the house is quiet as a hollow head
And I'm walking round bumping into things you said
This has not been as easy as I thought it would
I'd be cooling down the fire if I thought I could

But I'm lonely again tonight
I can feel it like a knot in my side
They keep saying this is part of the ride
But I'm not getting stronger

Yet hold me against the light
And do you see any bullet inside?
Wouldn't find one if you magnified
Because you've got the wrong girl

Monday, May 21, 2012

the left coast...

last week i took a few days off from work and flew here...  

to see these two for a couple of days...


and staying in their house is like staying in a hotel (that flower arrangement is courtesy of my brother-in-law). they've lived here since last fall and it was my first time visiting...

and while i was there they took me all around to see and do things like this...


 and because i never get to see my fur-nephew, i took a few million of him while i was there, just for good measure...


Friday, May 18, 2012

the polite way...

the polite way of saying 'fuck off'...if there is such a thing...

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

on the cover...

i couldn't help but laugh out loud at this...

san fran bound...

headed off to san fran to see my handsome little fur-nephew and his parents for a couple of days...

i've never been to san fran, any recommendations?...

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

outdoor furniture for who???...

just in case i don't spoil my dogs enough, i think i might have to get them this outdoor adirondack dog bed from the company store...

introducing, the tunic...

ok, she's right, this photo does not do it justice...but this is the vintage tunic my girlfriend got at the flea market on sunday. we'll have to get some detail shots of it for you. and seriously, once you see my friend huntley rocking it on, who is like a smokeshow and a half, you'll be like, 'damn, who's the hottie in that blue wool tunic over there?" joke. we'll have to convince her to send us a picture of her wearing it in france...which will be uber cool. i die....

fighting back...

do you know what these disgusting aliens are? grubs. i hate them. they are making my front yard look like a war zone when everyone else's grass looks so nice and green and perfect...mine's like the ugly red-headed step-child of the neighborhood.

after reading the art of doing stuff's blog post on getting rid of these suckers i've decided to follow suit. i've got my beneficial nematodes (i'm calling them my microscopic soldiers), my lawn fertilizer, and i'm fighting back...

informal & lovely...

i'm a big fan of a relaxed, casual weddings. and by relaxed and casual i'm not talking about jeans and t-shirts and flip-flops...just something a little less formal. formal stresses me out...and i'm pretty sure it can be expensive too. so i thought this lake wedding held over labor day weekend spotted on style me pretty was right up my alley as far as informalities goes...